Carpet Removal
London & Kent Floor Sanding DO NOT CHARGE unlike some companies for the removal of gripper rods, hard board, underlay & carpet. We will dispose of these items (free of charge) and in the correct form of disposal.
Gap Filling
London & Kent Floor Sanding can fill all the gaps in your floor, up to 5mm wide or we can use slivers of reclaimed wood for wider gaps. We use your saw dust (from your floor), to give you a good colour match. We mix this with a good quality resin to ensure the strength of the filler inbetween the gaps from dropping through. Mass filling your floor will give you no drafts and a nice formation look, giving you a beautiful & admirable floor everytime!
Damade to timber joists and floors
there are three main types of timber damage but thay are all caused by damp timber will start to decay at above 18 % moisture content (in average soft wood species like an ordinary pine) so elimination of dampness is our main concern 18 % dampness means nearly one fifth of timber is damp and this can happen purely as a result of condensation or leaks rising damp and over forms of exposure of moisture timber in the home should be inspected to make sure it is not exposed to any of these problems and a good air flow to prevent damp werepair carrier beams and support beams (joists)
what is woodworm?
woodworm refers to the larvae of any wood-boring beetle rather then one particulor the uk the most common are
The common furniture beetle (anobium punctatum) Death watch beetle (xestobium rufuvillosum) house longhorn beetle (hylotrupes bagulus) and powderpost bettle (lyctus bruneils) all invade and consume wood and then leave when they have reached maturity.